I love bedrooms. The act of nesting and manifesting your own space is magickal and important and healthy. This is a post of old bedrooms I've had. I don't know why I feel compelled to put these pictures online...It feels good to share though. Every bedroom I've had (except, perhaps, the one I currently inhabit) have become ship-like and somewhat out of hand. The one I'm in now is much more clear and light, thankfully.
Old old old bedroom at my mom's house...I do miss that room. These photos are quite old. 2007. Highschool self. Taken by my dad.

Old bedroom at my dad's.

My bro as a wee one. I bought the little "vase" for my dear grandma when I was little and was deeply proud of it as I presented it to her for Christmas one year.

Wow. Don't remember it being quite
this crazy. I've streamlined ALOT since. It was a jumbled sort of time in my life.

I digress...
Kitty cat pile-up. We're the luckiest to have all these kitties. From left to right its Tora, Artemis, Gray Kitty, and Ollie. (Thumby is missing)
Inside cover of A Good and Happy Child By Justin Evans. Way too scary to finish...maybe I'll try again next Hallowe'en?

El Dia de los Muertos last year.
I hope you are all well.

marmalade, I've always thought you were such a genius when it comes to surrounding your life with inspiring and beautiful things.
I loves you my little gypsy pumpkin faerie lemur
P.S.--this has cracked me up since middle school: http://www2.b3ta.com/spidermanwillmakeyougay/
P.S. have you seen this website? http://www.pyramidcollection.com/default.asp
I think you'd like it.
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