Hello hello
What a fantastic day this has turned out to be after all.
This is a post of some things I like.
-The drum circle tonight was riddled with old friends and faces- such a comforting surprize. There was much hula hooping (some daring gals with fire!), drumming of course, silly times in the bathroom line, chatting, hugs...I really felt wonderful and I think alot of other people did too.I am talking of course, about the famous, the infamous, the cosmic, and crazy Golden Gate Cafe here in Detroit.

It is a web that attracts the most outrageous energy and people.It has been the backgroud for alot of pivotal moments and stages of my personal growth. It is an oasis (figuratively and literally) in the middle of a pretty impoverished/ dangerous area of the city. There are people living in the houses around the area; homesteading, planting gardens, and cleaning up the city. Really amazing place, although it does go through its odd phases. You literally feel as though you are stumbling upon a tribal gathering as you stagger across the dirt parking lot to the fire-lit circle. This place always gets so intense in the summer time. I'm excited. http://www.innatedetroit.com/

-Miu Miu spring line. I sort of can't get enough of it...I love the dark silhouette shapes against sparkles and sheer fabric...So doll like and
different.-Good Earth Sweet and Spicy Tea. Yum! Recommended to me by my friend/boss. It really is some of the most delicious tea I have ever tasted. It reminds me of the tea their serve at this Ethiopian restaurant around here. (Find the tea at Trader Joes or worldpantry.com)

-The Casady sisters of Cocorosie. I can't get enough. Genius, freaky, queer, sexy, beautiful.
- I am really obsessed with this painting...but I absolutly cannot remember where it is from or who painted it...if anyone out there knows, drop me a comment.
I love the little subtle details...her sash that is turning in to a snake, her bracelet with faces on it...so dark and possessed.

-mmmm...so romantic. Via

- Also, where did this come from? Forest magick.

- This one is so oddly eerie..I think its those long fingernails. She looks like an old-worldy vampire or disguised siren. Via dianadistorted.livejournal.com
-By Jessica Tremp

- Spooky. Via postsecret.blogspot.com
Goodnight, sweet dreams, and happy new moon.
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