I have uncovered the secret of clear, BIG images on here! Yay! So here is a second installation of artworks, some more recent than others. The first installation was posted on March 1st and those images have been enlarged as well, so if you have a sweet moment, jump back and look at them again, the size really makes a huge difference.
Today has been rain rain rain...yet, it is soothing and I know that those little drips will soon coax bright green buds into showing their faces, so all is well.
The season of hula hooping is coming back soon. I had some dear friends over the other night for laughs, tea, and dancing in my room. We went outside to play around with the hula hoops in the alley, and had alot of fun. It is such a meditative activity, and when you get better at doing some tricks, it feels incredibly smooth and powerful. I've heard of a boy who suffered from depression claiming that it helped to calm him down when he felt paniked. It does have a rocking-chair kind of effect to it. It is just summertime all the way, and so rythmic. Perfect for that big Detroit Techno Fest we all know and love which is really just around the corner! Yipee!
wood, art board, glue, paint, ink
I did this a few months ago as a Christmas gift for my mother in a feverish inspiration...I was so happy with it, that it was a little difficult to give away! But, it was meant to be hers, and she adores it. It hangs in her bedroom.
wood, gold ink, paint, vintage confetti, pencil, glass
The Sphinx. Note mideival symbol for oneness/infinity: the snake eating its own tail...encompassing a cracked egg, the symbol of rebirth, of breaking out of one's confines. The globe orbitting around the spinx's wound contains ancient runes: symbols used to divination, a connection with the divine in order to strenghten intuition and mirror seemingly outside events onto a self-conscious plane.
paper, acryllic paint, watercolor, prismacolor marker, ink
Angel with Egyptian wings and red poppies over her eye. Done in a time of rebirth, and awakening of the heart center which is, here covered in messy string, yet glowing in the middle.
tree cross-section, cardboard, string, paint, gold ink
(all photos taken by my very talented father: http://doucetphoto.com/index.htm )
I hope everyone is very well