(via last.fm)
She is a musician/creator/spiritual guide and her name is Mariee Sioux. She is originally from California and has been writing music since she was a child. Her music has a strong indigenous element to it (probibly helped along by the traditional Native American flute played by Gentle Thunder on her albums, and the fact that she is of Mexican descent) and is deeply earthy and spiritual. Alot of her music seems to have a chant-like quality as it meditatively repeats sounds,words, and rythms. This makes it a perfect accompanyment to twilight relaxation, nature walks, painting, ritual...or anything mindful and calm really. I have been enjoying her album Face in the Rocks alot lately...it seems to resonate with the darkness of winter because there is something distantly wayward about her aesthtic. It is suiting that she takes inspiration from cultures which have become somewhat obscured by the hustle-and-bustle plastic pumping culture so many of us live in. Her music becomes a sweet and mindful escape. She's really turned on.
You know how sometimes a specific song just perfectly aligns with you? Like its part of your spinal chord, straight down your center? Like its about every part of you? I feel that way about her song Buried in Teeth. Her poetic lyrics bring you deep down below the earth through layers of buried teeth, ancient thunder, bird wing bones, fossilized antlers... as if trancending your own skin and muscles.

"...a pack of ghost wolves gonna bring you under/ down past the stomachs filled with berries/ swallowed down into the gut of centuries".
Her poster art is also cosmic and something to note, such as this one. I love the fiery colors and fierce eyes (couldn't find who made this one...anyone know?) via:naturalismo