- Hello Hello
Phew...where to start? It has been quite a long while since I wrote here. I am planning things in my head, tryng to figure out what exactly it is I am working on. I beleive that we are all floatng in our little leaf beds down the river; some of us sleeping, some awake, yet we are definetly all moving towards some unforseen distance. I want to sink in the sand and bask in the honey sun when I get there, you?
Lately has been chaotic and calm as the sea all at the same time, which seems to be the way it always is. To highlight a few things:
The U.S. Social Forum came to us in Detroit. It was so empowering. I attended three workshops primarily focused around issues of LGBTQI, women, feminism, and transgendered people. Of course, there were some heavy arguements and possibly a touch of self-righteousness here and there, but the overall feeling was that of unity and excitement. Electric prickles of excitement! There were fine folks from all over the country to be met and befriend, tent cities popped up around, and multi-cultural events spiced up things nicely. I particularly enjoyed the poignant and powerful Climbing Poe Tree. They recited their spoken word/music/rap in Hart Plaza and we were all healed and wept and wooped it up and laughed and felt their words and beauty within ourselves. http://www.climbingpoetree.com/live/

Cocorosie a few weeks ago! They were fresh and REfreshing. Flawless performance, sexually charged, all that you would expect. Vanessa and I with Bianca.

I've taken in 2 little little tiny Monarch butterfly eggs. My boss/friend Laurie has a wild garden leading back to her studio with lush milkweed sprinkled throughout it. Monarchs lay their single eggs on the bottoms of the milkweed leaves, so today we waded into the green sea and carefully folded up the leaves looking for silky little eggs. I've got mine carefully placed in a huge mason jar by my bed. I carried them around with me all day! I sort of feel like they should come with me wherever I go because they're fairly hearty and I want to experience every stage of their developement. I feel tremendously maternal towards them.
Art projects! Painting furniture! Beaded medicine jewlery! Dream Pillows! TRAVELING PUPPET SHOW! So many things to do...Setting myself on fire. Eradicating fear.
Re-visited The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys last night . It reminds me of my own days at a private catholic school (my brother was actually an altar boy for a few years). Like, walking through those tiled hallways in school uniforms and hanging out in the church bathroom. The stark imagery in the movie is so reminiscent of my old school and just the whole emotional feeling of it. I feel like children in private religious schools are expected to be much more "well behaved" than in some public schools. We had to walk in two neat lines of boys and girls anywhere we went, attend mass every wednesday, be clean and wear crisp uniforms, write with pens in cursive in every class, and stand when we spoke in class. It was obviously highly oppressive. I wandered through that school by msyelf so many times while I went there, especilly at night during PTA meetings when I could sneak away. I always felt so certain that it was haunted and I was intrigued with the religious statues of Our Lady of LaSalette~ and even more intrigued with the odd stories about her appearing to young children and such. I remember when I was little there was still that thing were church's doors were open all the time and you could go there to pray whenever you wanted. My mom took my brother and I there at night a few times. I remember it being really dark save for this one red candle burning.
I have had a weird love/hate/obsession with the Kieran and Macaulay Culkin for a very long time. I recently saw Party Monster for the first time...
I've been feeling alot like the woman in this Diego Rivera painting lately. Its a good feeling.
I have also been re-delving into Frida Kahlo again, a woman who I feel deeply connected to.
In Greek mythology, the Sirens (Greek singular: Σειρήν Seirēn; Greek plural: Σειρῆνες Seirēnes) were three dangerous bird-women, portrayed as seductresses who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. Roman poets placed them on an island called Sirenum scopuli. In some later, rationalized traditions the literal geography of the "flowery" island of Anthemoessa, or Anthemusa,is fixed: sometimes on Cape Pelorum and at others in the islands known as the Sirenuse, near Paestum, or in Capreae.All such locations were surrounded by cliffs and rocks. By the fourth century, when pagan beliefs gave way to Christianity, belief in literal sirens was discouraged. Although Jerome, who produced the Latin Vulgate version of the Scriptures, used the word "sirens" to translate Hebrew tenim (jackals) in Isaiah 13:22, and also to translate a word for "owls" in Jeremiah 50:39, this was explained by Ambrose to be a mere symbol or allegory for worldly temptations, and not an endorsement of the Greek myth.
Sirens continued to be used as a symbol for the dangerous temptation embodied by women regularly throughout Christian art of the medieval era; however, in the 17th century, some Jesuit writers began to assert their actual existence, including Cornelius a Lapide, who said of Woman, "her glance is that of the fabled basilisk, her voice a siren's voice—with her voice she enchants, with her beauty she deprives of reason—voice and sight alike deal destruction and death." Antonio de Lorea also argued for their existence, and Athanasius Kircher argued that compartments must have been built for them aboard Noah's Ark.

Isn't it time for Hallowe'en yet? I adore the summers...but my thoughts have been with dark woods and jack o' lanterns lately.
